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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

How to create perfect Gourmet Salad EGGS (or how to center a hard-boiled egg yolk)...


Merry Christmas!!!
Stressing about all you have to do today? 

Didn’t get it done yesterday?

Don’t stress, here’s a quick and easy way to do EGGS.

Create a great Gourmet Egg Salad with the Egg Yolks perfectly centered.

First clue: Remember to always store your fresh eggs with the pointy end down. This keeps your eggs fresh longer and keeps the yolk centered.

What can I make with a boiled egg? 

Salads, curry-stuffed eggs and lots of other fun things like Party Chicks. 

Stir it up!

Place your fresh gourmet salad EGGS in a saucepan of water.

Boil over medium-high heat, stirring constantly.

This keeps the yolk centered.

How long?

If using Huon Farms Gourmet Salad Eggs reduce heat to medium and boil, uncovered, stirring occasionally, for only 4 minutes. If using a larger egg 7 minutes.

Don’t allow the water to boil rapidly as the eggs may crack.

And then what?

Cool the eggs in ice cold water until cold then place back into tepid water. This will stop that dark ring from forming around the egg yolks and makes the eggs brighter and easier to peel. Peel and halve.

YOU have just created a perfectly centered egg yolk in a perfectly boiled egg ready for any designer salad you want to create.

Have a lovely Christmas!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Party Chicks for Christmas in Australia...


A Little Something for Christmas in Australia...


Sunday, December 15, 2013

WHO wants EGGS before Christmas?


Friday, July 05, 2013

Will My Chickens Stop Laying in Winter?

Today's Collection of Eggs from the Girls...

EVERY day I collect the eggs. I usually collect them at around 10am and then again at noon and finally at 4pm.

As it's Winter here some people think I shouldn't be getting any eggs at all but my chickens are very much laying because I keep new hens coming through the flock on a regular basis. I usually buy two new girls every month I never run out of eggs because it's not only the days being shorter that stops chickens laying, it's also the time you brought your hens. If they are due to start laying at 16 to 22 weeks and it happens to be Winter they will still lay. Sometimes they may be a bit delayed but generally chickens lay when they are old enough.

Some breeds do stop laying over the Winter months. That's why I chose a mixture. I have  ISA Browns for egg production (they lay an average of over 300 eggs per year!). I have Wyandotte's because they are so pretty. White Leghorns also for egg production and bantams for their good mothering skills.

Today's set of eggs look like a bit of a mix. The smallest egg came in at 43 grams and the largest at 77 grams. The old wrinkly looking larger off-white egg is from one of my oldest Wyandotte chickens.

I often wish I could set up a retirement village concept for my older girls. I hate seeing them get old and with getting old they also start to loose their authority in the pecking order which can sometimes lead to them being harassed by the younger birds trying to take over the reins. It's times like these I'd like a separate pen but it's not practical yet. Time and money permitting that project will happen one day!


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