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Saturday, October 31, 2009

ABC interview with Jorg Imberger on Bush Telegraph (Pull Apart)

Heard an interesting interiew on the ABC Bush Telegraph session on Wednesday 28th October, 2009 on feeding humankind into the middle of the century. Had some thought provoking ideas. If you want to have a listen to the interview, click here: http://www.abc.net.au/rn/bushtelegraph/ then search for Pull Apart Jorg Imberger to read the article or listen to the full interview from the ABC Website. Please feel free to comment on your impressions on the topic back here on this blog. I'd really appreciate your point of view.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Meat Versus Vegetarian Diet Debate goes...

Farming magazines this week reported on the push for the planet to go Vegetarian.

See full article at http://sl.farmonline.com.au/news/nationalrural/agribusiness-and-general/general/stern-says-go-vegetarian-to-save-planet/1661664.aspx?src=enews

This rehashed article created a bit of angst out there today on the comments response board. I don't know who got more pressure from the general public -
  • the author of the influential 2006 report, Lord Nicholas Stern, on the Economics of Climate Change (UK) for the pro-Vegetarian argument as a way to tackle climate change); OR
  • Matt Cawood (excusing the fact that the poster on the comments board got Matt's name incorrect, calling him Mike - I'm sure Matt will be impressed with that one!) suggested Matt take an extended holiday. Matt Cawood writes for the Rural Press group of weekly agricultural newspapers and regularly receives controversial feedback from the general public.
Either way the Vegetarian (fast becomming the alternaive diet) versus the intelligent choice for red meat diet goes on!

Friday, October 16, 2009

ETS - Emissions Trading Scheme - Legislation.

The ETS is beginning to make me a bit nervous.

Not that I can say I understand what it will all mean for our future.

In fact, I've only heard bits & pieces. You know, like, cows and sheep are producing too many farts and burps and somehow that causes global warming or some such, and the end result being we have to pay for that.


It's another tax - of course - the Australian Government had to find a way to make up for the boo! boo! with the GST's introduction. 'Course the only bit I took any notice of was, the FARMERS PAY as usual, bit. My other thought on the matter was, "Is this a way to get Farmers to grow vegies and fruit and make everyone on the globe become Vegetarians?" Are the ETS people "in" with the PETA people?

Oh well, until I can understand more about this whole ETS "thingy", I guess I'll say nothing more on the matter.

* ETS = Emissions trading scheme
* GST = Goods and Services Tax (Australia)

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Long Hard Drought Over?


While the drought may sit in the background waiting to do its best, yet again - the word is out on the land that food is the new BOOM industry.


Now that we farmers have sunk all our hard earned cash and assets into the ground only to be kicking up dust the media informs us that recovery is nigh and there's millions to be made.

How are you going about this?

Yep, us resilient farmers have to chuck on our rubber boots and get back out there.

There's fencing to be done, cattle and sheep to attend, and fertilising, ploughing and sowing. There's people out there waiting for our food stuffs.

We've got to get back out there people, shake off the dust and get back on the horse! I'd love t hear how you go...



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